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Am an engineer working for a reputed concern and used to visit myclient end often. Once after completing my work i started from Kovaito Chennai in Ernakulum express. I used to go by reservation, but dueto an emergency i couldn’t get confirmed tickets and so i climbed ingeneral compartment in full rush. Soon i found a place next to aKerala guy seems to a student with white skin and average body built.And the train proceeded in full swing. As the day was already hectic iread some novel and went to sleep. I didn’t even care who’s sitting bynext.It was 12’o clock i suppose, that malayali guy bent himself and sleptover his lap with hand folded. I slept laying my head in the seat.Suddenly that guy’s right hand touched my right thigh and i didn’t careas it may happen as he folded his hands over his head and due tojerk of train. Again he moved his finger towards my inner thighsuddenly i pushed away his hand and that time too i didn’t know hisintention. After ten minutes there was complete. Faster than we expect, things get quiet in the room and we break our kiss, with thoughts of a nice hot shower, a couple of cold drinks, and a nice long nap together…the head bouncer, instead of undoing your bindings, says “99 cumshots…one more to go and she’s done”…but wtf?? we feel that familiar and dangerous shadow fall on us again…mr. fucking big, and as pissed off as ever!...son of a BITCH won’t this jagoff learn…he opens his pie-hole and blurts ”GET YOUR PUNY PECKER OUTTA HER ASSHOLE…IMA RIP THIS WHORE A NEW ONE…WHEN I GET THROUGH BANGING HER SHE’LL NEVER FEEL YOUR SCRAWNY EXCUSE FOR A DICK AGAIN…then I’ll deal with you for making a fool outta me, motherfucker”.We both just smile as you look over your shoulder at me with that mischief grin on your wet face…in the second it takes you to squeeze your butt cheeks around my long-trapped erection, my poor dick finally lets loose what it has been holding back for you…your 100th cumshot…you cover my open mouth with yours so that you.
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